How to get month and day name in different languages ​​in MariaDB

This article describes how to use the DATE_FORMAT()function return the month and week name in a given language.

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In MariaDB, the DATE_FORMAT() function is used to format output datetime values.

You can use different format specifiers to get output in different formats, including month names and day names.

At the same time, the DATE_FORMAT() function also receives an optional parameter for specifying the language. This allows you to get output in a specific language. The default language is English.

To query the current language used by DATE_FORMAT(), use the following statement:

SELECT @@lc_time_names;


| @@lc_time_names |
| en_US           |

Get month name

We have discussed how to get the month name of the specified date in the previous tutorial, in this example we mainly discuss how to get the month name in different languages.

To get the month name, use the %M format specifier.

The following statement outputs the names of the month of January in the default language, English, Spanish, and Simplified Chinese.

  DATE_FORMAT('2025-01-01', '%M') AS "Default",
  DATE_FORMAT('2025-01-01', '%M', 'en_US') AS "es_US",
  DATE_FORMAT('2025-01-01', '%M', 'es_ES') AS "es_ES",
  DATE_FORMAT('2025-01-01', '%M', 'zh_CN') AS "zh_CN";


| Default | es_US   | es_ES | zh_CN  |
| January | January | enero | 一月   |

Get day names

We have discussed how to get the day name of a specified date in the previous tutorial, in this example we mainly discuss how to get the day name in different languages.

To get the day name, use the %W format specifier.

The following statement outputs the day names in the default language, English, Spanish, and Simplified Chinese.

  DATE_FORMAT('2025-01-01', '%W') AS "Default",
  DATE_FORMAT('2025-01-01', '%W', 'en_US') AS "es_US",
  DATE_FORMAT('2025-01-01', '%W', 'es_ES') AS "es_ES",
  DATE_FORMAT('2025-01-01', '%W', 'zh_CN') AS "zh_CN";


| Default   | es_US     | es_ES      | zh_CN     |
| Wednesday | Wednesday | miércoles  | 星期三    |


MariaDB DATE_FORMAT() is used to format the output datetime and supports specifying different languages.