How the MBRIntersects() function works in Mariadb?

The MBRIntersects() function is a useful tool for performing spatial queries in Mariadb.

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The MBRIntersects() function is a useful tool for performing spatial queries in Mariadb. It allows you to check whether the minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) of one geometry intersects with the MBR of another geometry. This means that the two geometries share at least one point in common, either at the interior or at the boundary.


The syntax of the MBRIntersects() function is as follows:

MBRIntersects(g1, g2)

The function takes two arguments:

  • g1: A geometry value that represents the MBR of the first geometry. It can be a point, a line, a polygon, or a geometry collection.
  • g2: A geometry value that represents the MBR of the second geometry. It can be a point, a line, a polygon, or a geometry collection.

The function returns a boolean value that indicates whether the MBR of g1 intersects with the MBR of g2:

  • 1 (true): The MBR of g1 intersects with the MBR of g2.
  • 0 (false): The MBR of g1 does not intersect with the MBR of g2.
  • NULL: Either g1 or g2 is NULL or invalid.


In this section, we will show some examples of how to use the MBRIntersects() function in different scenarios.

Example 1: Checking if a point intersects with a rectangle

Suppose you have a table called places that stores the information of various places, such as their name, location, and type. The location column is a point geometry that represents the latitude and longitude of the place. You want to find the places that intersect with a rectangular area defined by two points: (40, -120) and (50, -110). You can use the MBRIntersects() function to check if the location of each place intersects with the MBR of the rectangle. For example, you can execute the following statement:

SELECT name, location, type FROM places
WHERE MBRIntersects(location, ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(40 -120, 50 -110)'));

This will return the name, location, and type of the places that intersect with the rectangular area, or an empty result set if none of them do. For example, the result might look like this:

| name        | location                 | type   |
| Seattle     | POINT(47.6062 -122.3321) | city   |
| Portland    | POINT(45.5051 -122.6750) | city   |
| Boise       | POINT(43.6150 -116.2023) | city   |
| Yellowstone | POINT(44.4280 -110.5885) | park   |
| Reno        | POINT(40 -120)           | city   |

Example 2: Checking if a polygon intersects with another polygon

Suppose you have a table called countries that stores the information of various countries, such as their name, area, and boundary. The boundary column is a polygon geometry that represents the outline of the country. You want to find the countries that intersect with the boundary of China. You can use the MBRIntersects() function to check if the boundary of each country intersects with the MBR of the boundary of China. For example, you can execute the following statement:

SELECT, c1.area, c1.boundary FROM countries c1
JOIN countries c2 ON = 'China'
WHERE MBRIntersects(c1.boundary, c2.boundary);

This will return the name, area, and boundary of the countries that intersect with the boundary of China, or an empty result set if none of them do. For example, the result might look like this:

| name     | area     | boundary                                                       |
| China    | 9596961  | POLYGON((73.499734 39.381740, ... , 73.499734 39.381740))      |
| Mongolia | 1564110  | POLYGON((87.751264 49.297198, ... , 87.751264 49.297198))      |
| India    | 3287263  | POLYGON((68.176645 23.691965, ... , 68.176645 23.691965))      |
| Nepal    | 147181   | POLYGON((80.088425 28.794470, ... , 80.088425 28.794470))      |
| Pakistan | 881912   | POLYGON((60.874248 23.691965, ... , 60.874248 23.691965))      |
| Russia   | 17125242 | POLYGON((-169.900000 66.884550, ... , -169.900000 66.884550))  |

Example 3: Checking if a line intersects with a circle

Suppose you have a table called roads that stores the information of various roads, such as their name, length, and path. The path column is a linestring geometry that represents the route of the road. You want to find the roads that intersect with a circular area with a radius of 10 kilometers and a center at (30, -100). You can use the MBRIntersects() function to check if the MBR of the path of each road intersects with the MBR of the circle. For example, you can execute the following statement:

SELECT name, length, path FROM roads
WHERE MBRIntersects(path, ST_Buffer(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(30 -100)'), 10));

This will return the name, length, and path of the roads that intersect with the circular area, or an empty result set if none of them do. For example, the result might look like this:

| name     | length | path                                                          |
| Route 66 | 3940   | LINESTRING(34.746480 -92.289590, ... , 34.052230 -118.243680) |
| I-10     | 2460   | LINESTRING(30.396030 -88.885310, ... , 34.073620 -118.400360) |
| Road B   | 12.36  | LINESTRING(30 -100, 30.1 -99.9)                               |

There are some other functions that are related to the MBRIntersects() function and can be used to perform other spatial queries in Mariadb. Here are some of them:

  • MBREqual(): This function returns whether the MBRs of two geometries are equal to each other.
  • MBRWithin(): This function returns whether the MBR of one geometry is within the MBR of another geometry.
  • MBRDisjoint(): This function returns whether the MBRs of two geometries are disjoint from each other.
  • MBRContains(): This function returns whether the MBR of one geometry contains the MBR of another geometry.


The MBRIntersects() function is a powerful and flexible function that can help you perform spatial queries in Mariadb. You can use it to check whether the MBR of one geometry intersects with the MBR of another geometry. This means that the two geometries share at least one point in common, either at the interior or at the boundary. You can also use some other related functions to perform other spatial operations, such as equal, within, disjoint, or contain. By using these functions, you can achieve a better analysis and understanding of your spatial data.