How to use the MySQL DATE_FORMAT() function

The DATE_FORMAT() function in MySQL is used to format a date value based on a specified date/time format string. This allows formatting dates in different ways.

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The DATE_FORMAT() function in MySQL is used to format a date value based on a specified date/time format string. This allows formatting dates in different ways.


The syntax for DATE_FORMAT() is:

DATE_FORMAT(date, format)

Where date is the date to format, and format specifies how to format it.


  1. Format date to YYYY/MM/DD format:

    SELECT DATE_FORMAT('2023-01-31', '%Y/%m/%d');

    Returns ‘2023/01/31’.

  2. Format date to MM-DD-YYYY format:

    SELECT DATE_FORMAT('2023-12-05', '%m-%d-%Y');

    Returns ‘12-05-2023’.

  3. Format date to day name, month name format:

    SELECT DATE_FORMAT('2023-02-28', '%W %M');

    Returns ‘Tuesday February’.

  4. Format datetime to 24-hour time format:

    SELECT DATE_FORMAT('2023-01-01 11:30:45', '%H:%i:%s');

    Returns ‘11:30:45’.

  5. Format datetime to 12-hour time with AM/PM:

    SELECT DATE_FORMAT('2023-01-01 15:45:30', '%r');

    Returns ‘03:45:30 PM’.

Other Similar Functions

  • STR_TO_DATE() - Convert string to date
  • DATE_ADD() - Add interval to date
  • DATE_SUB() - Subtract interval from date
  • DATEDIFF() - Calculate date difference

So DATE_FORMAT() provides extensive formatting options for dates and times in MySQL.