How to use the MySQL FROM_DAYS() function

The FROM_DAYS() function in MySQL converts a day number to a DATE value. It is useful for calculating dates based on an integer day number.

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The FROM_DAYS() function in MySQL converts a day number to a DATE value. It is useful for calculating dates based on an integer day number.


The basic syntax of FROM_DAYS() is:


Where day_number is an integer day number to be converted to a DATE.


Here are some examples of using FROM_DAYS() in MySQL:

  1. Get the date for day number 735000:

    SELECT FROM_DAYS(735000);
    // Output: 2012-05-12
  2. Calculate a date 90 days from now:

    // Output: 2023-02-12 (90 days from today)
  3. Get the day of week for a given day number:

    // Output: Sunday
  4. Calculate dates based on day numbers in a table:

    SELECT FROM_DAYS(day_num) AS date
    FROM records;
  5. Get the number of days between two dates:

    SELECT TO_DAYS('2023-02-15') - TO_DAYS('2023-01-01');
    // Output: 45

Other Similar Functions

  • TO_DAYS(): Converts a DATE value to a day number
  • DATEDIFF(): Calculates the number of days between two dates
  • DATE_ADD() and DATE_SUB(): Add and subtract days from a date

So in summary, FROM_DAYS() converts day numbers to DATE values for date calculations.