PostgreSQL Data Types

PostgreSQL provides a wealth of data types, including numeric types, character types, date-time types, binary data types, currency types, Boolean types, enumeration types, JSON types, array types, collection types, URL types, UUID types, and XML types, interval type, bit string type, etc. In addition to that, you can also customize composite types.

  1. PostgreSQL Characters

    This article describes the three character data types in PostgreSQL: CHAR, VARCHAR, and TEXT.
  2. PostgreSQL Integers

    This article describes the three integer data types in PostgreSQL: SMALLINT, INTEGER, and BIGINT.
  3. PostgreSQL NUMERIC

    This article introduces the NUMERIC type in PostgreSQL.
  4. PostgreSQL Boolean

    This article introduces the usage of PostgreSQL BOOLEAN data type.
  5. PostgreSQL DATE

    This article describes how to use the DATE type in PostgreSQL and some useful functions working with DATE value.
  6. PostgreSQL TIME

    This article describes how to use the TIME type in PostgreSQL and some useful functions for working with TIME values.

    This article describes how to use the timestamp type in PostgreSQL and some useful functions for working with timestamp data.
  8. PostgreSQL INTERVAL

    This article describes how to use INTERVAL types.
  9. PostgreSQL Arrays

    This article describes how to use arrays to store multiple values ​​in PostgreSQL.
  10. PostgreSQL JSON

    This article describes how to use the JSON type in PostgreSQL and show you some useful functions for working with JSON data.
  11. PostgreSQL UUID

    This article describes the PostgreSQL UUID data type and how to use UUIDs as primary keys.
  12. PostgreSQL HSTORE

    The PostgreSQL HSTORE data types are used to store data of key-value pair type.
  13. PostgreSQL Enum

    This article describes the PostgreSQL enum data type and its usage.
  14. PostgreSQL Range

    This article introduces what is PostgreSQL range data type and how to use PostgreSQL range data type.
  15. PostgreSQL CREATE TYPE

    This article will discuss how to create own data types in PostgreSQL.