MySQL Administration

This chapter introduces the knowledge related to managing databases in MySQL, including user permissions, changing passwords, data backup, starting, stopping, and restarting databases.

  1. MySQL Start/Stop

    This tutorial walks you through how to start/stop/restart a MySQL server on Linux and Windows.
  2. MySQL Create User

    This article describes how to use the CREATE USER statement to create a new user in MySQL database server.
  3. MySQL Drop User

    This article describes how to drop one or more user accounts from a MySQL server using the DROP USER statement.
  4. MySQL Rename User

    This article describes how to use the RENAME USER statement to rename one or more users in MySQL database server.
  5. MySQL Change Password

    This article describes how to use UPDATE, SET PASSWORD, and ALTER USER statements to change user password in MySQL.
  6. MySQL Show Users

    This article describes how to list all users in a MySQL database server in MySQL.
  7. MySQL Lock Users

    This article describes how to lock user account in MySQL.
  8. MySQL Unlock Users

    This article describes how to unlock one or more locked user accounts in MySQL.

    This article describes how to use MySQL GRANT statement to grant specified privileges to a specified user
  10. MySQL Revoke Privileges

    This article will take you to learn how to use the REVOKE statement to revoke user permissions.
  11. MySQL Show Grants

    This article describes how to use the SHOW GRANTS statement to list the privileges granted to a user or role.
  12. MySQL Role

    In this tutorial, you will learn how to use MySQL roles to simplify permissions management.
  13. MySQL Show Databases

    This article describes two ways to list all databases in MySQL, SHOW DATABASES and information_schema.schemata.
  14. MySQL Show Tables

    This article describes how to use the SHOW TABLES statement list all tables in a specified database.
  15. MySQL Show Columns

    In MySQL, SHOW COLUMNS statement is used to show information about all the columns of a table
  16. MySQL DESC

    In MySQL, DESC statements are used to display all columns of a table.
  17. MySQL Maintain Tables

    MySQL provides several statements for maintaining tables, ANALYZE TABLE, OPTIMIZE TABLE, CHECK TABLE and REPAIR TABLE.
  18. MySQL Backup

    The mysqldump is a tool for making backup of MySQL databases, it can export MySQL database as a sql file.
  19. MySQL Restore

    MySQL provides the SOURCE command to help you restore a database from a dump file.
  20. MySQL Show Processlist

    This article describes how to use the SHOW PROCESSLIST statement display all connections for the current MySQL database server.