MySQL Auto Increment Columns Tutorial and Examples

In this article, we will introduce MySQL auto-increment columns and how to use auto-increment columns to generate unique identifiers.

In MySQL, if you need a column’s value to be an ordered sequence of integers, use an auto-incrementing column.

An auto-incrementing column is a special column in MySQL whose value can be automatically generated by the MySQL server and is a sequence of positive integers that increase in ascending order. Auto-incrementing columns can be used to generate unique identifiers for new rows in a table.


To define an auto-incrementing column, use the AUTO_INCREMENT keyword. The syntax for defining an auto-increment column is as follows:

column_name data_type AUTO_INCREMENT


  • The AUTO_INCREMENT keyword identifies that the column is an auto-incrementing column.
  • Auto-increment columns cannot use all data types, it only applies to integer or floating point types, including: TINYINT, SMALLINT, INT, MEDIUMINT, BIGINT, DECIMAL, FLOAT, DOUBLE.
  • An auto-incrementing column must be a primary key or a unique key.
  • Auto-increment columns are enabled NOT NULL constraint by default.
  • There can only be one auto-incrementing column in each table.
  • The initial value of the auto-increment column is 1. Each time a row is inserted into the table, the value of this column is automatically incremented by 1.
  • Unlike generated columns, you can specify a value for an auto-incrementing column when inserting a new row.


Let’s look at some practical examples to understand the usage of auto-incrementing columns.

The following statement creates a table named user with an auto-incrementing column named user_id and auto-incrementing column is the primary key.

  `name` VARCHAR(45),
  PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`));
  1. Insert two rows of data into the user table:

    INSERT INTO `user` (`name`)
    VALUES ('Tim'), ('Jim');

    Note that in this statement, we are not using the user_id column. The value for this column is automatically generated.

    Now, let’s look at the rows in the user table:

    SELECT * FROM `user`;
    | user_id | name |
    |       1 | Tim  |
    |       2 | Jim  |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    Here, MySQL automatically generates two consecutive values ​​for the user_id column : 1 and 2.

  2. Deleted the row whose user_id is 2:

    DELETE FROM `user`
    WHERE `user_id` = 2;
  3. Insert a new row using the fowllowing statement:

    INSERT INTO `user` (`name`) VALUES ('Jim');

    Now, let’s look at the rows in the user table:

    SELECT * FROM `user`;
    | user_id | name |
    |       1 | Tim  |
    |       3 | Jim  |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    Note: The user_id of new row is not 2 but 3. This is because MySQL does not reuse deleted sequence values.

  4. Let’s specify a value to the automatic column for inserting a row.

    INSERT INTO `user` (`user_id`, `name`)
    VALUES (20, 'Tom');

    Then, insert a new row of data:

    INSERT INTO `user` (`name`) VALUES ('Lucy');

    Now, let’s look at the rows in the user table:

    SELECT * FROM `user`;
    | user_id | name |
    |       1 | Tim  |
    |       3 | Jim  |
    |      20 | Tom  |
    |      21 | Lucy |
    4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    Note that, the user_id in the new line is 21.

How to view the value of an auto-incrementing column

To see the next value of an auto-incrementing column, there are two methods:

  1. View the value of the auto-increment column from the table definition output by the SHOW CREATE TABLE statement.

    *************************** 1\. row ***************************
          Table: user
    Create Table: CREATE TABLE `user` (
      `user_id` int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `name` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`)
    ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=22 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci

    The next value of the auto-increment column in the table is 22 represented by AUTO_INCREMENT=22 in the last row.

    If the next value of the auto-increment column is 1, it will not be output AUTO_INCREMENT=1.

  2. Query the value of the auto-increment column from the information table TABLES in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database:

    WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'testdb'
      AND TABLE_NAME = 'user';
    |             22 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    This value is not always correct. Because when the value of AUTO_INCREMENT=1 column is reset or modified, it will not be updated immediately.

Custom auto-increment initial value

The initial value of the auto-increment column is 1 by default, but we can set a custom value when creating the table. as follows:

  `name` VARCHAR(45),
  PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`)

Here, we have created a table with the initial value of the auto-incrementing column specified as 10.

Modify the auto increment value of the table

If you want to reset or modify the self-increment of the table, you can use the ALTER TABLE statement to modify the table definition, as follows:



  • If the value set here is less than or equal to the maximum value of the auto-increment column in the table, the final value is the next value of the maximum value.

    For example, in the user table, we change AUTO_INCREMENT to 1, but the value of the AUTO_INCREMENT column is still 22.

  • After modify the AUTO_INCREMENT value, the value in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES is not updated immediately. You can view the current value using the SHOW CREATE TABLE statement.


In this article, we will learn about MySQL auto-increment columns and how to use auto-increment columns to generate unique identifiers. The following summarizes the usage and working principle of auto-increment columns:

  • There can only be one auto-incrementing column in a table.
  • The data of auto-increment columns can only be integers and floating-point numbers.
  • The initial value of the auto-incrementing column is 1. You can set the initial value of the auto-increment column when creating the table, or you can modify the value of the auto-increment column.
  • After deleting some rows, the value of the deleted auto-increment column cannot be reused.
  • You can use the SHOW CREATE TABLE statement to view the value of an auto-incrementing column.