MySQL Getting Started

This chapter includes an introduction to MySQL and how to install MySQL on Windows, Ubuntu, and CentOS systems. It also introduces the Sakila Database which is used in this tutorial.

  1. Introduction to MySql

    This article introduces what is a database and what is MySQL。
  2. Install MySQL on Windows

    In this article, we show the detailed steps of how to download and install MySQL on the Windows platform.
  3. Install MySQL on MacOS

    In this tutorial, we show the detailed steps to install MySQL 8 on MacOS.
  4. Install MySQL on CentOS

    In this article, we show the detailed steps to install MySQL 8 on CentOS 8/7/6.
  5. Install MySQL on Ubuntu

    In this article, we show the detailed steps to install MySQL 8 on Ubuntu.
  6. Connect to MySQL

    In this tutorial, we will introduce several tools for connecting to MySQL server.
  7. Sample Database

    This article introduces the Sakila sample database used in this tutorial.