MariaDB Aggreagte Functions

MariaDB aggregate functions are mainly used for data statistics, such as counting, summing, and averaging. Combining aggregation functions with grouping operations, you can count data in more dimensions.

  1. AVG()

    In MariaDB, AVG() is a built-in function that returns the average of a given expression.
  2. COUNT()

    In MariaDB, COUNT() is a built-in function that counts the number of non-NULL values ​​among all values ​​represented by an expression.

    In MariaDB, GROUP_CONCAT() is a built-in function that concatenates the values ​​of columns or expressions specified in a group into a string and returns it.
  4. MAX()

    In MariaDB, MAX() is a built-in function that returns the maximum value among all values ​​represented by a given expression.
  5. MIN()

    In MariaDB, MIN() is a built-in function that returns the minimum of all values ​​represented by a given expression.
  6. SUM()

    In MariaDB, SUM() is a built-in function that returns the sum of all specified non-NULL values.