MariaDB STRCMP() Function

In MariaDB, STRCMP() is a built-in string function that compares two strings and returns 0, -1 or 1 as the result of the comparison.

The MariaDB STRCMP() function compares two strings based on the character collation that the strings adopt.

MariaDB STRCMP() Syntax

Here is the syntax of the MariaDB STRCMP() function:

STRCMP(str1, str2)



Required. The first string to compare.


Required. The 2nd string to be compared.

If you provide the wrong number of parameters, MariaDB will report an error: ERROR 1582 (42000): Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function 'STRCMP'.

Return value

The MariaDB STRCMP(str1, str2) function returns the result of comparing two strings:

  • If str1 equals str1, the STRCMP() function will return 0.
  • If str1 is less than str1, the STRCMP() function will return -1.
  • If str1 is greater than str1, the STRCMP() function will return 1.

If any number of arguments are NULL, the STRCMP() function will return NULL.

MariaDB STRCMP() Examples

Basic usage

This statement shows the basic usage of the MariaDB STRCMP() function:

    STRCMP('abc', 'abc'),
    STRCMP('abc', 'def'),
    STRCMP('def', 'abc')\G


STRCMP('abc', 'abc'): 0
STRCMP('abc', 'def'): -1
STRCMP('def', 'abc'): 1


The STRCMP() function compares two strings based on the character collation adopted by the strings. Let’s look at the following example:

SET @s1 = _latin7 'x' COLLATE latin7_general_ci;
SET @s2 = _latin7 'X' COLLATE latin7_general_ci;
SET @s3 = _latin7 'x' COLLATE latin7_general_cs;
SET @s4 = _latin7 'X' COLLATE latin7_general_cs;
SELECT STRCMP(@s1, @s2), STRCMP(@s3, @s4);


| STRCMP(@s1, @s2) | STRCMP(@s3, @s4) |
|                0 |               -1 |


  • The collation (COLLATE) of @s1 and @s2 is latin7_general_ci and it is case-insensitive, so the comparison x of X and is returned 0.
  • The collation (COLLATE) of @s3 and @s4 is latin7_general_cs and it is case-sensitive, so the comparison x of X and is returned -1.


The MariaDB STRCMP() function is used to compare two strings and return the result of the comparison.