SQL Server ASIN() Function

The ASIN() function is a trigonometric function in SQL Server used to calculate the inverse sine value. The function takes one argument and returns a value between -π/2 and π/2 radians.



The parameter number is a numeric expression that must be between -1 and 1.


The ASIN() function is typically used to calculate the inverse function value of a given sine value, with the returned value representing the radian value. When angle values need to be converted to radian values for calculation, the RADIANS() function can be used to convert the angle value to a radian value, and then the ASIN() function can be used to calculate the inverse sine value.


Here are two examples using the ASIN() function:

Example 1

Assume there is a table named Student containing two fields: Name and SineValue. Now we need to calculate the arc sine value for each student and display the results.

Sample data:

Name SinValue
John 0.5
Mary 0.866025
Michael 0.707107
Lisa 0.258819

Query statement:

SELECT Name, ASIN(SinValue) AS ArcSinValue FROM Student

Sample result:

Name ArcSinValue
John 0.5235987755983
Mary 1.0471975511966
Michael 0.7853981633974
Lisa 0.2642310441222

Example 2

Assume there is a table named Employee containing two fields: Name and AngleValue. Now we need to calculate the arc sine value for each employee and convert the result to an angle value.

Sample data:

Name SinValue
John 0.5
Mary 0.866025
Michael 0.707107
Lisa 0.258819

Query statement:

SELECT Name, DEGREES(ASIN(SinValue)) AS DegreeValue FROM Employee

Sample result:

Name DegreeValue
John 30
Mary 60
Michael 45
Lisa 15


The ASIN() function is a trigonometric function in SQL Server used to calculate the inverse function value of a given sine value. When angle values need to be converted to radian values for calculation, the RADIANS() function can be used to convert the angle value to a radian value, and then the ASIN() function can be used to calculate the inverse sine value.