SQL Server CEILING() Function

In SQL Server, CEILING() is a mathematical function used to round a number up to the nearest integer.


The syntax for CEILING() function is as follows:

CEILING ( numeric_expression )

Here, numeric_expression is the numeric expression to be rounded up.


The CEILING() function is commonly used to round up values that require rounding up, such as prices, quantities, times, and so on.


Here are two examples of using the CEILING() function:

Example 1

Suppose we have a products table Products that contains a column named Price, and we want to round up the prices of all products to the nearest integer. We can use the following query:

SELECT CEILING(Price) AS RoundedPrice
FROM Products

Suppose our products table looks like this:

ProductID ProductName Price
1 Product A 10.99
2 Product B 9.50
3 Product C 15.25

The query result will be:


Example 2

Suppose we have a sales orders table SalesOrders that contains a column named TotalAmount, and we want to round up the total amount of all orders to the nearest $10. We can use the following query:

SELECT CEILING(TotalAmount/10)*10 AS RoundedAmount
FROM SalesOrders

Suppose our sales orders table looks like this:

OrderID CustomerID TotalAmount
1 100 120.50
2 101 65.00
3 102 89.99

The query result will be:



The CEILING() function is a very useful mathematical function that can round a number up to the nearest integer or specified radix. It is suitable for many scenarios, such as computing prices, quantities, times, and so on.