SQL Server HOUR() Function

In SQL Server, the HOUR() function is used to retrieve the hour part of a given time value. This function is one of the built-in date/time functions and can be used conveniently for handling time data.



The date parameter is a date or time value and can be a datetime, date, datetime2, or time data type.

The return value is an integer that represents the hour part of the specified time, ranging from 0 to 23.

Use Cases

The HOUR() function is commonly used in the following scenarios:

  • When it is necessary to extract the hour part from a date/time value for calculation or comparison.
  • When it is necessary to convert a date/time value to a specific time format, such as HH:mm:ss.
  • When it is necessary to group or aggregate data by hour for summary or statistical analysis.


The following are two examples to illustrate the usage of the HOUR() function.

Example 1

Suppose there is an order table orders that includes a column create_time for the time when the order was created. Now, it is required to count the number of orders created in each hour.

SELECT HOUR(create_time) AS hour_of_day, COUNT(*) AS order_count
FROM orders
GROUP BY HOUR(create_time)

After executing the above SQL query, a result set will be obtained, where each row represents the number of orders created in one hour. For example, here is part of the result:

hour_of_day order_count
0 542
1 423
2 231

Example 2

Suppose there is a time value @time_value with a value of '2023-03-11 15:30:45', and it is required to convert it to a string with the format HH:mm:ss.

SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), @time_value, 108) AS formatted_time

After executing the above SQL query, a result set with only one row representing the formatted time value will be obtained. For example, here is the result:



The HOUR() function is a convenient date/time function that can be used to extract the hour part from a date/time value and group or aggregate data by hour. It is frequently used in practical data processing and analysis tasks, so mastering its usage is essential.