SQL Server MAX() Function

In SQL Server, the MAX() function is an aggregate function used to calculate the maximum value in a specified column or expression.


The basic syntax of the MAX() function is as follows:


where expression is the column or expression to calculate the maximum value.


The MAX() function is typically used to calculate the maximum value in a specified column. For example, it can be used to find the maximum order amount, highest sales revenue, or maximum inventory level in a table.


Here are two examples of using the MAX() function.

Example 1

Suppose we have the following sales table:

order_id customer_id order_total
1 1001 50
2 1002 75
3 1001 100
4 1003 125

The following SQL statement can be used to calculate the maximum order amount in the orders table:

SELECT MAX(order_total) AS max_order_total
FROM orders;

The result is:


Example 2

Suppose we have the following products table:

product_id product_name unit_price
1 Product A 10.5
2 Product B 15.2
3 Product C 12.8
4 Product D 9.9

The following SQL statement can be used to calculate the maximum unit price in the products table:

SELECT MAX(unit_price) AS max_unit_price
FROM products;

The result is:



By using the MAX() function, we can easily find the maximum value in a specified column, which can help with data analysis and decision-making.