SQL Server ROW_NUMBER() Function

ROW_NUMBER() is a window function used to assign a unique row number to each row in a result set. It is often used to sort the result set and return the ranking of each row in the result set.


    [PARTITION BY partition_expression, ... ]
    ORDER BY sort_expression [ASC|DESC], ...
  • PARTITION BY: Optional. Divides the result set into multiple partitions based on the specified columns’ values.
  • ORDER BY: Required. Specifies the sorting column(s) and sorting order.

Use Cases

ROW_NUMBER() function is often used in the following scenarios:

  • Sorting the result set and labeling each row with row numbers.
  • Returning data for a specified page in a pagination query.
  • Filtering or selecting data in a query based on the row number.


Example 1

Assume there is a table called students that contains three columns: id, name, and score. You need to return the information of the students in descending order by score and assign a row number to each student. You can use the following SQL statement:

SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY score DESC) AS row_num, id, name, score
FROM students

Executing the above SQL statement will produce the following result:

row_num id name score
1 3 Mike 90
2 2 Tom 80
3 5 Jack 75
4 4 Lily 70
5 1 John 65

Example 2

Assume there is an orders table that contains four columns: order_id, order_date, customer_id, and amount. You need to return the earliest order information for each customer in January 2019 and assign a row number to each order. You can use the following SQL statement:

    PARTITION BY customer_id
    ORDER BY order_date
  ) AS row_num,
FROM orders
WHERE YEAR(order_date) = 2019
  AND MONTH(order_date) = 1;

Executing the above SQL statement will produce the following result:

row_num order_id order_date customer_id amount
1 1001 2019-01-01 A001 1000.00
2 1005 2019-01-05 A001 2000.00
1 1002 2019-01-02 A002 1500.00


With ROW_NUMBER() function, we can assign a unique row number to each row in a query result set, making it easier to analyze, filter, and sort the results. Additionally, ROW_NUMBER() function can also be used in pagination queries to divide the result set into multiple partitions and only return data for the specified partition.