SQL Server INT Data Type

The INT data type is one of the commonly used integer data types in SQL Server, which is used to store whole numbers. It supports a value range from -2^31 (-2,147,483,648) to 2^31-1 (2,147,483,647).


The syntax for INT data type is as follows:



The INT data type is usually used to store integer-type data, such as user IDs, ages, etc. When it is necessary to store integers smaller than -2^31 or larger than 2^31-1, the BIGINT data type can be considered.


The following is an example of using the INT data type to store student scores:

CREATE TABLE StudentScore (
    Name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    Score INT NOT NULL

INSERT INTO StudentScore (ID, Name, Score)
VALUES (1, 'Alice', 90),
       (2, 'James', 85),
       (3, 'Tom', 95);

SELECT * FROM StudentScore;

In the example above, we created a table named StudentScore, which contains three fields: ID, Name, and Score. The Score field uses the INT data type, which is used to store student scores. We inserted three records, each containing a student’s ID, name, and score. Finally, we used the SELECT statement to query the contents of the StudentScore table, with the following result:

ID Name Score
1 Alice 90
2 James 85
3 Tom 95


The INT data type is one of the commonly used integer data types in SQL Server, which is used to store integer-type data. When it is necessary to store integers smaller than -2^31 or larger than 2^31-1, the BIGINT data type can be considered. In practical applications, the appropriate data type should be selected based on actual needs.