PostgreSQL array_ndims() Function

The PostgreSQL array_ndims() function returns the number of dimensions of the specified array.

array_ndims() Syntax

Here is the syntax of the PostgreSQL array_ndims() function:

array_ndims(array) -> integer



Required. The array.

Return value

The PostgreSQL array_ndims() function returns an integer that is the number of dimensions of the specified array.

array_ndims() Examples

This example shows how to use a PostgreSQL array_ndims() function to return the number of dimensions of an array.

SELECT array_ndims(ARRAY[0, 1, 2]);

The result 1 means that the array ARRAY[0, 1, 2] is a one-demension array.

You can also use the array_ndims() function to return the number of dimensions of a multidimensional array, for example:

SELECT array_ndims('[2:4][2:3]={{1,1},{1,1},{1,1}}'::integer[]);

The result 1 means that the array [2:4][2:3]={{1,1},{1,1},{1,1}} is a two-demension array.