PostgreSQL atan() Function

The PostgreSQL atan() function returns the arctangent of a specified number in radians.

atan() Syntax

This is the syntax of the PostgreSQL atan() function:




Required. The number used to calculate the arctangent.

Return value

The PostgreSQL atan() function returns the arctangent of a specified number in radians.

If the parameter number is NULL, the atan() function will return NULL.

atan() Examples

Here are a few examples of the atan() function:

    atan(-2) AS "atan(-2)",
    atan(-1) AS "atan(-1)",
    atan(-0.5) AS "atan(-0.5)",
    atan(-0.2) AS "atan(-0.2)",
    atan(0) AS "atan(0)",
    atan(0.2) AS "atan(0.2)",
    atan(0.5) AS "atan(0.5)",
    atan(1) AS "atan(1)",
    atan(2) AS "atan(2)";
-[ RECORD 1 ]--------------------
atan(-2)   | -1.1071487177940904
atan(-1)   | -0.7853981633974483
atan(-0.5) | -0.4636476090008061
atan(-0.2) | -0.19739555984988078
atan(0)    | 0
atan(0.2)  | 0.19739555984988078
atan(0.5)  | 0.4636476090008061
atan(1)    | 0.7853981633974483
atan(2)    | 1.1071487177940904