PostgreSQL sind() Function

The PostgreSQL sind() function returns the sine of the specified number of degrees.

sind() Syntax

This is the syntax of the PostgreSQL sind() function:




Required. The number used to calculate the sine, in degrees.

Return value

The PostgreSQL sind() function returns the sine of the specified number of degrees.

If the parameter number is NULL, the sind() function will return NULL.

sind() Examples

Here are a few examples of the sind() function:

    sind(0) AS "sind(0)",
    sind(15) AS "sind(15)",
    sind(30) AS "sind(30)",
    sind(60) AS "sind(60)",
    sind(90) AS "sind(90)",
    sind(180) AS "sind(180)";
-[ RECORD 1 ]-----------------
sind(0)   | 0
sind(15)  | 0.2588190451025208
sind(30)  | 0.5
sind(60)  | 0.8660254037844387
sind(90)  | 1
sind(180) | 0