PostgreSQL asinh() Function

The PostgreSQL asinh() function returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of the specified value.

asinh() Syntax

This is the syntax of the PostgreSQL asinh() function:




Required. The number used to compute the inverse hyperbolic sine.

Return value

The PostgreSQL asinh() function returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of the specified value.

If the parameter number is NULL, the asinh() function will return NULL.

asinh() Examples

Here are a few examples of the asinh() function:

    asinh(-2000) AS "asinh(-2000)",
    asinh(-2) AS "asinh(-2)",
    asinh(-1) AS "asinh(-1)",
    asinh(0) AS "asinh(0)",
    asinh(1) AS "asinh(1)",
    asinh(2) AS "asinh(2)",
    asinh(2000) AS "asinh(2000)";
-[ RECORD 1 ]+--------------------
asinh(-2000) | -8.294049702602022
asinh(-2)    | -1.4436354751788103
asinh(-1)    | -0.881373587019543
asinh(0)     | 0
asinh(1)     | 0.881373587019543
asinh(2)     | 1.4436354751788103
asinh(2000)  | 8.294049702602022