PostgreSQL make_interval() Function

The PostgreSQL make_interval() function creates an interval value from the given year, month, day, hour, minute, and second fields.

make_interval() Syntax

Here is the syntax of the PostgreSQL make_interval() function:

    [ years int
    [, months int
    [, weeks int
    [, days int
    [, hours int
    [, mins int
    [, secs double precision ]]]]]]]



Required. The number of Years. The default value is 0.


Required. The number of months. The default value is 0.


Required. The number of weeks. The default value is 0.


Required. The number of days. The default value is 0.


Required. The number of hours. The default value is 0.


Required. The number of minutes. The default value is 0.


Required. The number of seconds. The default value is 0.

Return value

The PostgreSQL make_interval() function returns an interval value created from the given year, month, day, hour, minute, and second fields.

make_interval() Examples

Here are a few examples showing the basic usage of the make_interval() function.

SELECT make_interval(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1.123);
 1 year 2 mons 25 days 05:06:01.123

You can specify a single field to create an interval value, such as one year, two months, one hour, etc.:

    make_interval(years => 2) AS "years => 2",
    make_interval(months => 2) AS "months => 2",
    make_interval(weeks => 2) AS "weeks => 2",
    make_interval(days => 2) AS "days => 2",
    make_interval(hours => 2) AS "hours => 2",
    make_interval(mins => 2) AS "mins => 2",
    make_interval(secs => 2) AS "secs => 2";
-[ RECORD 1 ]---------
years => 2  | 2 years
months => 2 | 2 mons
weeks => 2  | 14 days
days => 2   | 2 days
hours => 2  | 02:00:00
mins => 2   | 00:02:00
secs => 2   | 00:00:02

You can also combine several parameters arbitrarily, for example:

SELECT make_interval(years => 1, days => 10, mins => 15);
 1 year 10 days 00:15:00