PostgreSQL jsonb_set_lax() Function

The PostgreSQL jsonb_set_lax() function replaces or inserts the value at the specified path. This function differs from jsonb_set() in the method of handling NULL values.

jsonb_set_lax() Syntax

This is the syntax of the PostgreSQL jsonb_set_lax() function:

    target JSONB
  , path TEXT[]
  , new_value JSONB
  [, create_if_missing BOOLEAN
  [, null_value_treatment TEXT]]
) -> JSONB



Required. The JSONB value to insert the new value into.


Required. A text array indicating where new values ​​are inserted. The first path in the array should contain the last path in the array.


Required. The new value to insert or update.


Optional. It indicates whether to insert the specified new value if the specified path does not exist. The default value is true.


Optional. It indicates handling method when new_value is NULL. It is a string that can accept the following 4 values:

  • 'raise_exception': Gives an error if new_value is NULL.
  • 'use_json_null': Use JSON null value, if new_value is NULL.
  • 'delete_key': Delete the corresponding key, if new_value is NULL.
  • 'return_target': Return the original JSON value, if new_value is NULL.

Return value

The PostgreSQL jsonb_set_lax() function returns the given JSONB value with the specified path replaced with the new value, or insert the new value if create_if_missing is true (the default).

If the argument new_value is not NULL, this function likes jsonb_set() exactly.

If the parameter new_value is NULL, you can pass the parameter null_value_treatment to take different actions on the NULL value:

  • 'raise_exception': gives an error
  • 'use_json_null': use JSON null value
  • 'delete_key': delete the corresponding key
  • 'return_target': take no action, return the original JSON value

If the parameter target or path is NULL, the jsonb_set_lax() function will return NULL.

jsonb_set_lax() Examples


The following example shows how to use the PostgreSQL jsonb_set_lax() function to update a element in a JSON array.

SELECT jsonb_set_lax('[0, 1, 2]', '{1}', '"x"');
 [0, "x", 2]

Here, the path array {1} points to the element at index 1 in the array [0, 1, 2].

The following example shows how to use the PostgreSQL jsonb_set_lax() function to update elements in an embedded JSON array.

SELECT jsonb_set_lax('[0, [1, 2], 2]', '{1, 1}', '"x"');
 [0, [1, "x"], 2]

Here, the path array {1, 1} points to the element at index 1 in the nested array of the outer array [0, [1, 2], 2].


The following example shows how to use the PostgreSQL jsonb_set() function to update a field in a JSON object.

SELECT jsonb_set_lax('{"x": 1}', '{x}', '"x"');
 {"x": "x"}

The following example shows how to use the PostgreSQL jsonb_set() function to insert a new field in a JSON object.

SELECT jsonb_set_lax('{"x": 1}', '{y}', '2');
 {"x": 1, "y": 2}

Here, since the path y does not exist in the JSON object {"x": 1}, so jsonb_set() inserted the field y with value 2 in the JSON object {"x": 1}. Of course, you can also disable this default insertion behavior by passing the parameter create_if_missing with false, for example:

SELECT jsonb_set_lax('{"x": 1}', '{y}', '2', false);
 {"x": 1}

Here, the original JSON document is returned because the default insert behavior is disabled.

NULL Values

The following example shows how to use the PostgreSQL jsonb_set_lax() function to insert a new field in a JSON object.

SELECT jsonb_set_lax('{"x": 1, "y": 2}', '{y}', NULL);
 {"x": 1, "y": null}

Here, we used a NULL value for the field y, and the jsonb_set_lax() function used null as the value of y. This is the default behavior. But we can change the default behavior by the parameter null_value_treatment, for example:

  • delete_key

    SELECT jsonb_set_lax('{"x": 1, "y": 2}', '{y}', NULL, true, 'delete_key');
    {"x": 1}

    Here, we used 'delete_key' for the parameter null_value_treatment, and the field y was removed.

  • return_target

    SELECT jsonb_set_lax('{"x": 1, "y": 2}', '{y}', NULL, true, 'return_target');
    {"x": 1, "y": 2}

    Here, we used 'return_target' for the parameter null_value_treatment, and jsonb_set_lax() returned the original JSON value.

  • raise_exception

    SELECT jsonb_set_lax('{"x": 1, "y": 2}', '{y}', NULL, true, 'raise_exception');
    Error:  JSON value must not be null
    Description:  Exception was raised because null_value_treatment is "raise_exception".
    Tips:  To avoid, either change the null_value_treatment argument or ensure that an SQL NULL is not passed.

    Here, we used 'raise_exception' for the parameter null_value_treatment, and jsonb_set_lax() gave an error.