PostgreSQL jsonb_pretty() Function

The PostgreSQL jsonb_pretty() function uses whitespace indentation and newlines to convert a given JSONB value into a formatted, more readable text.

jsonb_pretty() Syntax

This is the syntax of the PostgreSQL jsonb_pretty() function:

jsonb_pretty(json_value JSONB) -> TEXT



Required. The JSONB value to convert.

Return value

The PostgreSQL jsonb_pretty() function returns a text string representing the given JSONB value, indented with spaces and newlines, for easier reading.

If you provide a NULL parameter, the jsonb_pretty() function will return NULL.

jsonb_pretty() Examples

The following example shows how to use the PostgreSQL jsonb_pretty() function to beautify the output of a given JSON array.

SELECT jsonb_pretty('[1, 2, 3, [4, 5]]');
 [           +
     1,      +
     2,      +
     3,      +
     [       +
         4,  +
         5   +
     ]       +

The following example shows how to use the PostgreSQL jsonb_pretty() function to beautify the output of a given JSON object.

SELECT jsonb_pretty('{"x": 1, "y": "a", "z": [1, 2]}');
 {            +
     "x": 1,  +
     "y": "a",+
     "z": [   +
         1,   +
         2    +
     ]        +