MongoDB Array Operators

MongoDB array operators are a set of special operators used to manipulate array fields in documents. They allow you to perform various operations on arrays, such as adding, removing, filtering, sorting, mapping, and more. This page provides a summary of array operators in MongoDB.

  1. $arrayElemAt

    The MongoDB $arrayElemAt operator can be used to retrieve elements at a specific position in an array.
  2. $arrayToObject

    The $arrayToObject operator is an aggregation pipeline operator in MongoDB that is used to convert an array into a key-value pair object.
  3. $concatArrays

    In MongoDB’s aggregation pipeline, the $concatArrays operator is used to merge two or more arrays into one array.
  4. $filter

    The MongoDB $filter operator filters elements from an array based on a specified condition and returns a new array containing all elements that meet the condition.
  5. $indexOfArray

    The MongoDB $indexOfArray is an array operator that searches for the first occurrence of a specified element in an array and returns its index.
  6. $isArray

    The MongoDB $isArray operator is used to determine if an expression is an array.
  7. $objectToArray

    The MongoDB $objectToArray operator transforms a document into an array containing key-value pairs of that document.
  8. $range

    $range is an operator in MongoDB’s aggregation pipeline used to generate a sequence of numbers.
  9. $reverseArray

    $reverseArray is an array operator in the MongoDB aggregation framework that reverses the order of elements in an array.
  10. $size

    In MongoDB, the $size operator can be used to get the number of elements in an array field.
  11. $slice

    The $slice operator is a projection operator in MongoDB used to select a specified number of elements from an array.