Introduction to MongoDB $gt Operator

The MongoDB $gt operator is used to compare whether the value of a field is greater than a specified value.

$gt is a comparison operator in MongoDB used to compare whether the value of a field is greater than a specified value. If the value of a field is greater than the specified value, it returns true, otherwise it returns false.


The syntax of the $gt operator is as follows:

  field: {
    $gt: value

Here, field is the name of the field to be compared, $gt is the operator, and value is the value to be compared.

Use cases

The $gt operator can be used in various scenarios, such as querying sales records with sales amount greater than a certain value, querying student records with scores greater than a certain value, etc.


Here are two examples of using the $gt operator.

Example 1: Query sales records with sales amount greater than 10000

Assume we have a collection named sales which contains information about many sales records, including sales number, sales date, sales amount, etc. Now we need to query sales records with sales amount greater than 10000, we can use the $gt operator to query:

db.sales.find({ sales_amount: { $gt: 10000 } })

The query result is as follows:

{ "_id" : ObjectId("61edf8b39c48e1a8c9af1de9"), "sales_no" : "202201011", "sales_date" : ISODate("2022-01-01T00:00:00Z"), "sales_amount" : 15000 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("61edf8b39c48e1a8c9af1dea"), "sales_no" : "202201012", "sales_date" : ISODate("2022-01-02T00:00:00Z"), "sales_amount" : 12000 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("61edf8b39c48e1a8c9af1deb"), "sales_no" : "202201013", "sales_date" : ISODate("2022-01-03T00:00:00Z"), "sales_amount" : 18000 }

Example 2: Query student records with scores greater than 80

Assume we have a collection named students which contains information about many students, including student ID, name, score, etc. Now we need to query student records with scores greater than 80, we can use the $gt operator to query:

db.students.find({ score: { $gt: 80 } })

The query result will return all student records with scores greater than 80, the example data is as follows:

{ _id: ObjectId("61dd5caae95c2b32d50dcf5a"), name: "Alice", score: 85 }
{ _id: ObjectId("61dd5caae95c2b32d50dcf5c"), name: "Charlie", score: 90 }
{ _id: ObjectId("61dd5caae95c2b32d50dcf5d"), name: "Bob", score: 82 }

Note that the $gt operator can only be used on fields with numerical values and cannot be used on fields with string values.


In MongoDB, the $gt operator is used to compare the value of a field with a specified value, and it is commonly used for numerical or date data. By using the $gt operator, we can conveniently filter out documents that meet specific criteria. In practical applications, we can combine the $gt operator with other operators such as $and, $or, etc. as needed to achieve more complex data querying and analysis.