Introduction to MongoDB Date() Method

In MongoDB, the Date() method can be used to create a JavaScript Date object that represents a date and time. It can be used to store date and time information and perform date calculations and other operations.


The syntax of the Date() method is as follows:

new Date()

Use Cases

The Date() method is commonly used in the following scenarios:

  • Storing date and time information in documents.
  • Performing date calculations and other operations.


Here are two examples of using the Date() method:

Example 1: Storing Date Information

We can use the Date() method to store a date in a document. For example, suppose we want to store an order document that includes the order date and status information:

  "_id": "1234567890abcdef",
  "order_date": new Date(),
  "status": "pending"

In this example, we use the Date() method to get the current time and store it in the order_date field.

Example 2: Performing Date Calculations

In addition to storing date information, the Date() method can also be used to perform date calculations and other operations. For example, suppose we want to query for orders that were placed within the last month:

var start_date = new Date()
start_date.setMonth(start_date.getMonth() - 1)

db.orders.find({ order_date: { $gte: start_date } })

In this example, we first use the Date() method to get the current time and store it in the start_date variable. Then, we use the setMonth() method to subtract one month from the month in the start_date variable to get the time one month ago. Finally, we use the find() method to query for orders where the order_date field is greater than or equal to start_date.


The Date() method can be used to create a JavaScript Date object that represents a date and time, and is commonly used for storing date and time information in documents and performing date calculations and other operations.