Introduction to MongoDB $isArray Operator

The MongoDB $isArray operator is used to determine if an expression is an array. If the expression is an array, it returns true, otherwise it returns false. This operator is typically used in the aggregation pipeline.


The syntax for the $isArray operator is as follows:

{ $isArray: <expression> }

Here, <expression> represents the expression to be evaluated.

Use Cases

The $isArray operator is often used in the aggregation pipeline to determine if a field is an array, and then perform the corresponding aggregation operation. For example, the $isArray operator can be used in conjunction with the $cond operator for conditional aggregation, to perform different aggregation operations based on whether a field is an array or not.


The following aggregation pipeline uses the $isArray operator to filter documents in the orders collection where the orderItems field is an array, and calculates the length of the orderItems array:

    $match: {
      $expr: {
        $isArray: "$orderItems"
    $project: {
      _id: 0,
      orderNumber: 1,
      orderItemsCount: {
        $size: "$orderItems"

Assuming the orders collection contains the following documents:

  orderNumber: "2022030101",
  orderItems: [
    { product: "A", quantity: 2 },
    { product: "B", quantity: 1 }
  orderNumber: "2022030102",
  orderItems: { product: "C", quantity: 3 }
  orderNumber: "2022030103",
  orderItems: [
    { product: "D", quantity: 1 },
    { product: "E", quantity: 2 },
    { product: "F", quantity: 1 }

After running the above aggregation pipeline, the following results can be obtained:

  "orderNumber": "2022030101",
  "orderItemsCount": 2
  "orderNumber": "2022030103",
  "orderItemsCount": 3


The $isArray operator is a very useful operator that can be used to determine if a field is an array. This operator can be used in various stages of the aggregation pipeline, such as in the $project stage, to process fields as needed. Using the $isArray operator can make the aggregation pipeline more flexible and increase the readability and maintainability of the code.