Introduction to MongoDB cursor.readConcern() Method

Mongodb is a popular document-oriented database that supports read concerns to control the consistency of read operations. When querying data, we can use the cursor.readConcern() method to set the read concern level for the query.


The syntax of the cursor.readConcern() method is as follows:


The level parameter can be "local", "available", or "majority", specifying the level of read concern.

Use Cases

In a distributed environment, the consistency of read operations is crucial. In some cases, we need to control the level of consistency for read operations to ensure data accuracy and consistency. In this case, we can use the cursor.readConcern() method to set the read concern level for the query.


Suppose we have a collection named “students” that contains many student documents. The following is an example code that uses the cursor.readConcern() method to set the read concern level:

var cursor = db.students.find({ age: { $gte: 18 } }).readConcern("majority")

In the example above, we first use the db.students.find() method to query for student documents with age greater than or equal to 18 and store the result in the cursor cursor. Then, we use the cursor.readConcern() method to set the read concern level to "majority" to ensure consistency of the query result.

Here is another example. Suppose we need to query all products in a collection named “products” with a price higher than 50 and sort the results in descending order of price. We can use the cursor.readConcern() method to set the read concern level to ensure consistency of the query result.

var cursor = db.products
  .find({ price: { $gt: 50 } })
  .sort({ price: -1 })

In the example above, we first use the db.products.find() method to query for all products with a price higher than 50 and sort the results in descending order of price. Then, we use the cursor.readConcern() method to set the read concern level to "majority" to ensure consistency of the query result.


The cursor.readConcern() method is a useful method that can be used to control the consistency level of query operations. By using this method, we can better ensure the accuracy and consistency of query results and handle data read operations in a distributed environment.