Introduction to MongoDB collection.countDocuments() Method

MongoDB is a non-relational database that provides powerful methods for manipulating and managing data. Among them, the countDocuments() method is a commonly used query method that can be used to count the number of documents that meet certain criteria.


The syntax of the countDocuments() method is as follows:

db.collection.countDocuments(filter, options)

Here, db.collection represents the name of the collection to operate on, filter represents the filter criteria, and options represents some options.

Use Cases

The countDocuments() method is commonly used in the following scenarios:

  • Counting the number of documents in a collection that meet certain criteria.
  • Checking whether a document exists under a certain condition.
  • Verifying the correctness of a query statement.


Here are two examples of using the countDocuments() method.

Example 1

Suppose we have a collection named products that stores multiple product information documents. Each document contains fields such as _id, name, price, stock, and status. Now, we need to count the number of products with a status of on_sale. This can be achieved using the countDocuments() method.

db.products.countDocuments({ status: "on_sale" })

After running the above code, the number of documents that meet the criteria will be returned.

Example 2

Suppose we have a collection named users that stores multiple user information documents. Each document contains fields such as _id, name, age, and gender. Now, we need to check whether there are male users aged 18 or above. This can be achieved using the countDocuments() method.

db.users.countDocuments({ age: { $gte: 18 }, gender: "male" })

After running the above code, if the result is greater than 0, it means there are male users aged 18 or above.


This method can be used to count the number of documents that meet certain criteria, check whether a document exists under a certain condition, and verify the correctness of a query statement. In practical development, developers can use this method to achieve data statistics and queries based on specific needs.