Introduction to MongoDB $trim Operator

The MongoDB $trim operator is a string aggregation operator used to remove specified characters or whitespace from a string. It is commonly used in scenarios where unwanted characters or whitespace need to be removed from a string and can be used in conjunction with other aggregation operators, such as $project or $addFields.


The syntax of the $trim operator is as follows:

{ $trim: { input: <string expression>, chars: <string expression> } }

Where input is the string expression to be trimmed and chars is the character expression to be removed from the string. If chars is not specified, the default behavior is to remove whitespace characters from both ends of the string.

Use Cases

The $trim operator is commonly used in scenarios where strings need to be formatted or processed. For example, you may need to remove unnecessary whitespace from a string for comparison purposes, or you may need to remove specific characters from a string for other purposes.


Here are two examples of using the $trim operator.

Example 1

Suppose you have a collection users that contains users’ names and email addresses. You want to find all users whose email addresses contain whitespace. You can use the following aggregation pipeline:

  { $project: { email: 1 } },
  { $match: { email: { $regex: /\s/ } } },
  { $addFields: { trimmedEmail: { $trim: { input: "$email" } } } }

This aggregation pipeline first uses the $project operator to select the email address field. Next, the $match operator is used to find all email addresses that contain whitespace characters. Finally, the $addFields operator adds a new field trimmedEmail to each matching document, which contains the email address with any whitespace characters removed.

Example 2

Suppose you have a collection products that contains the names and prices of products. You want to find all products whose names contain a specific character and remove that character from the name. You can use the following aggregation pipeline:

  { $match: { name: { $regex: /A/ } } },
  { $addFields: { trimmedName: { $trim: { input: "$name", chars: "A" } } } }

This aggregation pipeline first uses the $match operator to find all products whose names contain the character “A”. Next, the $addFields operator adds a new field trimmedName to each matching document, which contains the product name with all instances of the character “A” removed.


The $trim operator is a very useful string aggregation operator that can help you easily format and process strings. It can be used in conjunction with other aggregation operators, such as $project or $addFields, to perform a variety of tasks based on your needs.