MongoDB Trigonometric Operators

The MongoDB trigonometric operators perform trigonometric calculations on specified arrays. This page summarizes the trigonometric operators available in MongoDB.

  1. $acos

    The $acos operator is a convenient trigonometric function operator in MongoDB that can be used to calculate the arccosine of a given angle.
  2. $acosh

    The $acosh operator is a mathematical operator in MongoDB used to calculate the inverse hyperbolic cosine value of a given numeric value.
  3. $asin

    The Mongodb $asin operator is an inverse sine function used to calculate the arcsine value of a given number and return its radian value.
  4. $asinh

    The MongoDB $asinh operator is a mathematical aggregation operator that returns the inverse hyperbolic sine value of a given number in radians.
  5. $atan

    $atan is a mathematical operator in MongoDB used to calculate the arctangent of a given number.
  6. $atan2

    $atan2 is a geospatial operator in MongoDB used to calculate the arctangent value between a given point and a reference point.
  7. $atanh

    The $atanh operator is a mathematical operator in MongoDB used to calculate the inverse hyperbolic tangent function value of a number.
  8. $cos

    $cos is a mathematical operator in MongoDB used to calculate the cosine value of a given angle.
  9. $cosh

    The $cosh operator is a mathematical operator in MongoDB that calculates the hyperbolic cosine function value of an input expression, which can be any number, field, or expression.
  10. $degreesToRadians

    In MongoDB, the $degreesToRadians operator is used to convert angle values from degrees to radians.
  11. $radiansToDegrees

    $radiansToDegrees is an aggregation operator in MongoDB, used to convert angles in radians to angles in degrees.
  12. $sin

    $sin is a mathematical operator in MongoDB that calculates the sine value of a given angle.
  13. $sinh

    $sinh is a mathematical operator in MongoDB used to calculate the hyperbolic sine value of a given angle.
  14. $tan

    $tan is a mathematical operator in MongoDB used to calculate the tangent of a given angle.
  15. $tanh

    In MongoDB, the $tanh operator is a mathematical operator used to calculate the hyperbolic tangent of a given value.