Introduction to MongoDB $asinh Operator

The MongoDB $asinh operator is a mathematical aggregation operator that returns the inverse hyperbolic sine value of a given number in radians. It is a mathematical function in MongoDB and can be used in aggregation pipelines.


The syntax of the MongoDB $asinh operator is as follows:

{ $asinh: <expression> }

Here, expression is the numeric expression for which to calculate the inverse hyperbolic sine value.

Use Cases

The MongoDB $asinh operator is typically used in scenarios where numbers need to be processed, such as data normalization or standardization. It can calculate the inverse hyperbolic sine value of a given number and return the result, making it easier to compare and process data.


Assume we have the following order data:

{ _id: 1, total: 100 }
{ _id: 2, total: 200 }
{ _id: 3, total: 300 }

We can use the MongoDB $asinh operator to calculate the inverse hyperbolic sine value of each order and store the result in a new field:

    $project: {
      total: 1,
      asinhTotal: { $asinh: "$total" }

After running the above aggregation pipeline, we will get the following results:

{ _id: 1, total: 100, asinhTotal: 5.298317366548036 }
{ _id: 2, total: 200, asinhTotal: 5.991464547107979 }
{ _id: 3, total: 300, asinhTotal: 6.620074225466081 }


The MongoDB $asinh operator is a convenient mathematical aggregation operator that can calculate the inverse hyperbolic sine value of a given number and return the result. It can be used in scenarios such as data normalization or standardization to facilitate data comparison and processing.