Introduction to MongoDB collection.reIndex() Method

The reIndex() method is a method in MongoDB used to rebuild indexes. Indexes are a data structure in MongoDB that helps to improve the efficiency of database queries. By using the reIndex() method, you can rebuild the indexes of a specified collection.


The syntax of the reIndex() method is as follows:


Here, collection refers to the name of the collection on which you want to perform the index rebuild operation.

Use Cases

In MongoDB, indexes are a crucial concept that helps to improve the efficiency of database queries. However, indexes can become invalid due to issues or changes in the data set. In such situations, you can use the reIndex() method to rebuild the indexes and improve the efficiency of database queries.


Suppose you have a collection named users in your database, which contains a name field and an age field. Now, you need to rebuild the indexes of this collection. The operation can be performed as follows:

Switch to the corresponding database:

use testdb

Rebuild the indexes of the users collection:


After this operation, MongoDB will rebuild all the indexes in the users collection to improve the efficiency of database queries.


The reIndex() method is a method in MongoDB used to rebuild indexes. By using this method, you can rebuild the indexes of a specified collection. Indexes are a data structure in MongoDB that helps to improve the efficiency of database queries. When an issue occurs with an index or when there are changes in the data set, you can use this method to rebuild the index and improve the efficiency of database queries.