Introduction to MongoDB collection.dropIndexes() Method

The dropIndexes() method is a MongoDB method used to delete one or more indexes in a collection. This method can be used to delete one or more indexes in a specified collection. Deleting indexes can improve query speed and reduce storage space, as well as avoid additional maintenance costs for useless indexes.


The syntax of the dropIndexes() method is as follows:


Here, db.collection refers to the collection name, and index is an optional parameter used to specify the index name to be deleted. If this parameter is not specified, all indexes in the collection will be deleted.

Use Cases

The dropIndexes() method can be used to delete one or more indexes in a collection. There are several use cases:

  1. If a certain index is no longer needed, it can be deleted using this method to release storage space.
  2. If you need to delete an index and create a new one, you can use this method to achieve it.
  3. When there is a conflict in index names, this method can be used to delete an index to facilitate the creation of a new one.


Suppose there is a collection named students, which has the following two indexes:


The output is as follows:

    v: 2,
    key: {
      _id: 1
    name: "_id_",
    ns: "test.students"
    v: 2,
    unique: true,
    key: {
      student_id: 1
    name: "student_id",
    ns: "test.students",
    background: true

Now, we need to delete the index named student_id. You can use the following command:


After deletion, we query the indexes of the collection again:


The output is as follows:

    v: 2,
    key: {
      _id: 1
    name: "_id_",
    ns: "test.students"

It can be seen that the index named student_id has been successfully deleted.

Next, we try to delete all indexes in this collection. You can use the following command:


After deletion, we query the indexes of the collection again:


The output is as follows:

    v: 2,
    key: {
      _id: 1
    name: "_id_",
    ns: "test.students"

It can be seen that all indexes in this collection have been successfully deleted.


The dropIndexes() method can be used to delete one or more indexes in a collection. Using this method can improve query speed and reduce storage space. It is important to note that you need to make sure the index is no longer used before deleting it, otherwise it may affect query performance.