Introduction to MongoDB $count Operator

MongoDB is a popular document-oriented database that can perform complex queries and aggregation operations through its powerful features. One of its powerful features is the $count operator, which can be used to calculate the number of documents that meet specific criteria.


The MongoDB $count operator is an aggregation pipeline operator that can be used in aggregation pipelines. Its syntax is as follows:

{$count: <output>}

Here, <output> represents the name of the output field.

Use Cases

The MongoDB $count operator is often used to count the number of documents, especially when grouping documents. It can be used with other aggregation pipeline operators, such as $match, $group, $sort, etc.


Here are some examples of using the $count operator:

Example 1: Counting all documents in a collection

Assuming there is a collection named students, we can use the following aggregation pipeline operator to count all documents in the collection:

db.students.aggregate([{ $count: "total" }])

After executing the above aggregation operation, a document will be returned, where the value of the total field is the total number of documents in the collection.

Example 2: Counting the number of documents that meet specific criteria

Assuming we want to count the number of students in the collection who are 18 years of age or older, we can use the following aggregation pipeline operator:

db.students.aggregate([{ $match: { age: { $gte: 18 } } }, { $count: "adults" }])

After executing the above aggregation operation, a document will be returned, where the value of the adults field is the number of students who are 18 years of age or older.

Example 3: Counting the number of documents after grouping

Assuming we want to count the number of students in each major, we can use the following aggregation pipeline operator:

  { $group: { _id: "$major", count: { $sum: 1 } } },
  { $sort: { count: -1 } },
  { $count: "total" }

After executing the above aggregation operation, a document will be returned, where the value of the total field is the number of documents after grouping.

Example 4: Counting the number of documents that meet multiple criteria

Assuming we want to count the number of female students in the collection who are 18 years of age or older, we can use the following aggregation pipeline operator:

  { $match: { age: { $gte: 18 }, gender: "female" } },
  { $count: "female_adults" }

After executing the above aggregation operation, a document will be returned, where the value of the female_adults field is the number of female students who are 18 years of age or older.

Example 5: Counting the number of documents within a specified time range

Assuming we want to count the number of students who registered between January 1, 2022, and March 1, 2022, we can use the following aggregation pipeline operator:

    $match: {
      registration_date: {
        $gte: ISODate("2022-01-01"),
        $lt: ISODate("2022-03-01")
  { $count: "new_students" }

After performing the above aggregation operation, a document will be returned, where the value of the new_students field is the number of students registered between January 1, 2022 and March 1, 2022.


The MongoDB $count operator is a very useful aggregation pipeline operator that can be used to count the number of documents that meet certain conditions. It can be used with other aggregation pipeline operators to achieve more complex queries and aggregation operations. The $count operator is a very useful tool for both data analysis and business applications.