Introduction to MongoDB $binarySize Operator

$binarySize is a MongoDB aggregation operator that is used to get the number of bytes of binary data fields. It can be used in queries and aggregation pipeline operations.


The syntax of the $binarySize operator is as follows:

{ $binarySize: <expression> }

Where <expression> represents the binary data field to get the number of bytes from.

Use Cases

The $binarySize operator can be used in queries and aggregation pipeline operations to help filter or calculate the number of bytes of binary data fields.

For example, in a query, we can use $binarySize to query binary data fields with a specific number of bytes:

db.collection.find({ binField: { $binarySize: 4 } })

In an aggregation pipeline operation, we can use $binarySize to calculate the number of bytes of binary data fields and perform aggregation:

  { $project: { binField: 1, binSize: { $binarySize: "$binField" } } },
  { $group: { _id: "$binSize", count: { $sum: 1 } } }


Suppose we have a users collection containing user IDs and avatar data. We can use the $binarySize operator to get the number of bytes of the avatar data.

Insert some test data:

    userId: 1,
    avatar: BinData(
    userId: 2,
    avatar: BinData(
    userId: 3,
    avatar: BinData(

Query users with avatar data size of 21 bytes:

db.users.find({ avatar: { $binarySize: 21 } })

Count the number of users with each avatar data size:

  { $project: { userId: 1, avatarSize: { $binarySize: "$avatar" } } },
  { $group: { _id: "$avatarSize", count: { $sum: 1 } } }

The above code will query users with avatar data size of 21 bytes and count the number of users with each avatar data size.


The $binarySize operator is a MongoDB aggregation operator that is used to get the number of bytes of binary data fields. It can be used in queries and aggregation pipeline operations.