Introduction to MongoDB cursor.close() Method

In MongoDB, the close() method is used to close an open connection or cursor. It can be used to close a database connection or release resources used by a cursor.


The syntax of the close() method is as follows:


Use Cases

The close() method is mainly used in the following two situations:

  1. Closing a database connection: When connecting to a MongoDB database, the MongoClient.close() method can be used to close the database connection.
  2. Releasing cursor resources: In MongoDB, when querying data, a cursor object is returned. When the cursor object is no longer needed, its close() method should be called to release the resources.


The following example shows how to use the close() method to release cursor resources. We will connect to a database named “test” and query data from a collection named “users”. Then, we will perform some operations on the cursor object and use the close() method to release resources.

import pymongo

# Connect to MongoDB
client = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/")

# Get the database
db = client["test"]

# Get the collection
col = db["users"]

# Query data
cursor = col.find()
for document in cursor:
  # Perform some operations on the cursor object

# Release cursor resources


The close() method is one of the useful methods in MongoDB. It can be used to close a database connection or release resources used by a cursor. When developing with MongoDB, using the close() method properly can effectively avoid resource waste and memory leaks.